1960-61 Review
   The 1960-61 year at Horlick High saw everyone participating on some level of the well-rounded activities offered to students.
   The sports world was interesting, but not a winning one.  Wrestling gained the most in popularity.  Bowling for all classes (both male and female) expanded greatly.  Because of a number of injuries in various sports, a fund was started to help pay some of the medical expenses for those who were injured.  Also, an Injured Athletes Benefit Dance was held.
   The cheerleaders enjoyed a successful season following a summer week spent at Cheerleading Camp.  Cheerleaders were: Kathy Kottal, Carol Matagrano, Sue Miller, Melody Wohlust, Andrea Alders and Sue Ehrlich.
   Social events of the year were frequent and well attended.  The year started with a splashy Sophomore Orientation, followed closely by Homecoming 1960.  The reigning queen was Carol Matagrano, with her court composed of Melody Wohlust, Kathy Kottal, Sue Miller and Judy Sukus.  They enjoyed a bonfire, parade, pep assembly, game and dance. 
   Other dances included Scarlet and Gray Day, Christmas Silver Bells and Coronation.  Coronation was a formal affair reigned by King Jerry Teska and Queen Kathy Kottal.  The Coronation Court consisted of Judy Cloutier, Kathie Kornack, Carol Matagrano and Melody Wohlust  escorted by Dave Azarian, Wayne Kosterman, Jim Oesau and Alex Sabo.  Other social events were the traditional Hawiian Luau for the seniors, as well as Christmas Door Decorations Contest and the collecting of Christmas food baskets for the needy.
   The American Field Student of the year was Ulla Laursen from Denmark.  One of our students, Simona Sheppard, spent her summer in Switzerland in the exchange program.
   The world of speech and drama included many new faces during the year due to the special productions of The Importance of Being Earnest and Around the World in 80 Days.  Both were directed by Mr. Joseph Mooney.
   Special projects also included a drive by the students and their parents to sell candy.  The proceeds from the fund raiser purchased new choir robes for both A Cappella and Loreli.
   Other important memories of the year include the Student Council activities headed by President Wayne Kosterman, Vice-President Bob Burns, and Secretary Judy Sukus.  Senior Class projects were led by Jerry Teska, President, June Charbogian, Vice-President and Kathie Kornack, Secretary.
   This was the year color took over:  dyes were sizzling rather than sedate--and the best mixing recipe to follow was inevitably the wildest.  Skirts became shorter and shorter.  Knee tickers, jumpers and culottes were complimented by much jewelry, knee socks and bright, colorful shoes.  Bigness and looseness, shagginess and furriness were the latest look in sweaters.  Purses, large and small, dominated the scene.  Square-toed buckle loafers were the absolute thing.  Big, bulky, high-toned sweaters, along with dark abstract shirts were included in the wardrobe of the high school guy.  There were no color limitations on the pants, either.
   The year ended with the signing of autographs and witty sayings in the Polaris; the traditional gala Senior Prom with a sidewalk cafe setting and a spectacular 14-foot replica of the Eifle Tower; and graduation exercises (always a sentimental event).  It was the first graduating class to sing the Alma Mater, written by Mr. Leon Fosha and arranged for the band by Mr. Banazak.
   Taken from:  Horlick's Fifty Years, 1928-1978 commemorative booklet marking the 50-year Anniversary of Wm. Horlick High School.