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The 60 Year Reunion Committee: 
Seated from Left:  Marty Defatte, David Litrenta, Alex Sabo
Standing from Left:  Carol Clark Knight, Judy Wilda Amundsen, Judy Cloutier-Chiappetta Horvath, Bob Carter.
Missing:  Nubar Musurlian, Glenn Watts

Reunion Committee:

Seated from Left:  Alex Sabo, Nubar Musurlian, Judy Wilda  Amundsen, Melody Wohlust Carter.

Standing from Left:  Bob Carter, Carol Clark Knight, David Litrenta, Barb Griffith Eckert, Darlene Bogdanoff Patrizzi, Judy Cloutier Chiappetta, Marty Defatte.

We want to hear from you, early and often!