Sunday Events
60-YEAR SUNDAY BRUNCH:  Sunday Brunch was held at The Maple Table in Downtown Racine.  Classmates could choose from five great entrees.  This smaller, but talkative, group enjoyed one last time to 'go down Memory Lane' together.  For pictures of Sunday's event, go to "All Reunion Pictures".  To enlarge a picture, simply click on it.  Enjoy.
55-year reunion:  Mrs. Welch with former instrumental music students.
55-year reunion: Mrs. Welch with former instrumental music students.
The 55-year Horlick Reunion Summary:  A brunch was held at the The Summit Restaurant in Racine. Our honored guest was Henrietta Welch, our 102-year-old Washington Jr. High School Music Teacher.  We surprised her with the announcement that a music scholarship, The Henrietta Welch Music Scholarship, will be given to a Horlick student who will be majoring in music in college.  TO VIEW PICTURES OF THIS EVENT, SCROLL DOWN TO THE 'ALL REUNION PHOTOS' PAGE, BELOW, AND CLICK ON THE LINK TO THE 55-YEAR REUNION-SUNDAY ACTIVITIES PAGE.