Help Us Find...
We need your help to locate the classmates listed below.  Some of them we haven't been able to find for YEARS.  Others have moved within the past five years because their initial mailing was returned to us.  If you know ANYTHING about these people, i.e. current city or state, relatives still living in the area, etc., please contact the reunion committe.  Any information is better than no information. 

Esteola Ayers Sheperd
Della Banks Powell
Dolores Bassford
Donald H. Bernhardt
Ruth Brodbeck
Mary Castaneda Malacara
Barbara Collova Fiorita
Roberta Goltz
Shirley Guy
Sharon Klimeck Brown (Deceased?)
Nancy Knudsen Riley (John)
Judy Krahn Weinfurter
Theodore P. (Ted) Kyriazes
Linda LaMack Newman
Virginia Larson
JoAnn LaValley
Bonnie Lawrenz
Barbara Nelson Racsek
Bill Peterson
Audrey Phillips
Ronald A. Schweitzer
Judy Swanson Hindson (Tal)
Patricia E. Vetter Aiello
Vic Weinfurter